Jet's Favorite Freesources: AnswerThePublic

Part 11 of Jet’s Favorite Freesources (wow it’s already at 11!) is a less well-known tool that many people and companies, even in the marketing world as a whole, have probably not heard of. That doesn’t mean it’s useless, quite the opposite in fact. We’re talking about AnswerThePublic.

Take a look at our past Freesource posts with this link HERE, and if you’d rather have these delivered to your inbox every couple of weeks, give us a follow and join our free community for pet business owners. Here at Pet Engine Marketing, we’re just looking to help, even at the expense of our income!

Today’s Freesource post will focus on what AnswerThePublic does, and why it’s a huge benefit to you as a pet store owner and your pet store’s marketing strategy when it comes to content creation, understanding your audience, and SEO.

What is AnswerThePublic?

AnswerThePublic is a beautiful, easy visualizer to that can be used by pet store owners to get a better idea of what their audience is searching for in regards to specific keywords, topics, or areas of interest. Taken directly from their website:

The auto suggest results provided by Google & Bing are a goldmine of insight for today’s marketeers. As you type you are presented with an aggregated view of the questions & therefore a hint of the motivations & emotions of the people behind each search query. It’s perhaps one of the best but most underutilised sources of research for content ideas.

With the free version, you get access to global search queries. The paid version allows you to narrow in by country and state.

Why’s it good for pet store marketing?

Right, why are we even bringing this up? We will go a bit deeper into Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with further insider posts this week, but a basic definition for SEO is probably enough to be going on for now. SEO is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines. In order to have your pet store become the first result on a Google Search, you need a strong SEO campaign and a good website that allows for it.

An example:

  • Go to Google and type in “pet stores near me”

  • Does your pet store come up first? Is it even on the first page? How far down is it?

  • Now put yourself in the mind of a new pet parent that’s looking for their pet store, where they will spend thousands of dollars over the lifetime of their pet. They do a Google search for “pet stores near me” and….visit the website and then the store of the first one they see.

  • So if your pet store isn’t first, how do you get yours to show up first on Google? The answer: an SEO campaign or a paid search campaign. The good news is at Pet Engine Marketing, we can handle that for you! Give us a call if you want to be the first option pet parents see when they’re looking for businesses like yours.

Alright, reverse out of that dive into SEO and back to AnswerThePublic.

We input two keywords that a pet parent might be putting into Google, “dog summer,” into AnswerThePublic. To the right is the visual representation of the results.

AnswerThePublic provides those keywords along with questions, prepositions, comparisons, and related queries that are most commonly searched by your audience on Google. Here’s the results page.

Now that you’ve got all of this insight as to what dog owners are searching for regarding summer… couldn’t you come up with some great content ideas for use on your pet store’s website, social media, email, and other marketing platforms? Content that would resonate with your audience, getting great engagement, building credibility, and pulling in new customers? THAT is the power of AnswerThePublic!

AnswerThePublic provides simple visualizations of the data that’s created when people use Google and Bing. A one-pager that could be shared to prompt a conversation on how you could start answering your audience better by creating content that’s useful, funny or inspiring.


Stay tuned for more Insider posts on why SEO is important when it comes to your pet store’s marketing strategy, as well as some tips to consider when it comes to SEO. These are the same ideologies and strategies that we use at Pet Engine Marketing with our pet store clients.


Why SEO is Necessary for Pet Stores


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