Pet Store Social Media Content Distribution Checklist

To build on our recent Insider resource, Digital Distribution Channels for Pet Store Marketing Campaigns, our team at Pet Engine Marketing is here to share some of our own content distribution tactics.

The list below highlights nearly 100 different ways to distribute your content, after hitting “publish.” Because you don’t win just by pressing the big green “Post” button.

You win by distributing it. You win with shares. You win by earning additional media. You win when you get more business. You win by driving action that helps your business.

Need help with your distribution methods, efforts, and styles? Contact us to set up an introductory call to learn about how some of our pet store marketing services can help your business grow!

Facebook Distribution

  1. Share the content on your pet business page

  2. Share the content on your personal account, and make sure to adjust the privacy settings to “public”

  3. Use Facebook advertising to distribute the content to a broader paid audience, and optimize your targeting

  4. Post the content to relevant Facebook groups

  5. Comment in Facebook groups when people ask questions about similar topics - remember to provide value before the link!

  6. Use your content to retarget your other asset audiences (website/subscribers/followers)

  7. Ask industry friends to share the content

  8. Create an Instant Article on Facebook that drives to the content you created or a rebuilt version of that content

  9. Pin the content to the top of your Facebook page

  10. Tag any other brands, businesses, or people reference in the piece

  11. Share a graphic to your Facebook story

Twitter Distribution

  1. Share your content on Twitter

  2. Share the key points as a thread on Twitter and link to the piece

  3. Retweet posts from users that share your content

  4. Engage with people who are sharing your content

  5. Reply to your initial thread to bump your tweets

  6. Share links from other channels like your website or other social channels

  7. Mention or tag anybody that your content references

  8. Build imagery from your content, or from other users’ responses to your content

  9. DM interested parties a link to your tweet/content

  10. Pin the content to the top of your Twitter account

LinkedIn Distribution

  1. Share the content to your company’s LinkedIn page

  2. Share the content to your personal LinkedIn page

  3. Tag interested people, businesses, or brands to your post

  4. Write an article on LinkedIn that repurposes your content

  5. Share your content to groups and niches that are relevant to your content

  6. Run advertising on LinkedIn to encourage a broader audience to see and take action from your content

  7. Share images directly from the content and link to it as a post

  8. Comment on other relevant posts with a link to your content

Snapchat Distribution

  1. Share your content

  2. Add a QR code to your content that links to your primary CTA

  3. Send a snap directly to your connections telling them about the new release

  4. Create a Story (or multiple Story posts) on your content

  5. DM Snapchat friends to check out your content

  6. Run a Snapchat ad targeting your relevant audience

Instagram Distribution

  1. Share your content on Instagram

  2. Change the link in your bio to link to your content

  3. Run paid advertisements on Instagram to drive more users to your content

  4. Share on your Instagram Story

  5. Pay influencers to reach a wider relevant audience

  6. Engage with other users that are active within the same hashtags

  7. DM people that have engaged with your content

  8. Share your post to your story

  9. Convert your content to IGTV or Reels

Pet Store Social Media Content Distribution Checklist

Want to get more results from your blog posts, content marketing, and products? Content distribution makes the difference. We’ve all created content, and we’ve all invested time, and energy, and money into it. And as a result, it’s become harder than ever to stand out from the rest of the crowd. And that’s why your distribution is where you differentiate yourself.

Want more hands-on help?


How to Use Google Analytics Audience Insights to Improve Your Pet Store Marketing


Digital Distribution Channels for Pet Store Marketing Campaigns